Super Scope 6 Revolutions
In doing more research from the various news sites ( has the best write up), it’s become clear to me that some of my initial assessments were wrong. It’s not like a 3d mouse in its obtainment of positional and orientational information. From “Two small sensors placed near the TV and a chip inside the controller track its position and orientation, allowing the player to manipulate the action on screen by physically moving the controller itself.” Judging from this quote, I’m speculating that the gyroscopic aspects for it are for sensing motion (like the Evolution) and the positional and orientational information is from the sensors on the TV like the..... SUPER SCOPE 6. A lot of the other write up info agrees with this, since a lot of its uses are basic light gun functionality (some of the demos were like that: block buster, irritating sticks, and maybe others). So, my next in depth Revolution preview will compare it to the Super Scope 6.
Revolution: A glorified TV remote
Super Scope 6: A super awesome bazooka cannon
Winner: I’m going to go with the super awesome bazooka cannon aka Super Scope 6. It looks pretty darn cool. I remember they had an ad back when it was new where people would march around like soldiers carrying them. To this day, I’ve wanted to go to combat carrying my Super Scope 6.
Revolution: two
Super Scope 6: one
Winner: Super Scope 6! It can get the job done with half the pesky sensing equipment! It must be superior technology! I think the real question is, do you have to calibrate the Revolution controller like you did the Super Scope 6? Only time will tell....
Game Support
Revolution: Unknown. Probably not many games if they release a standard controller add on for the Revolution like they announced.
Super Scope 6: Not many.
Winner: I’m going to have to go with the Super Scope 6 here because it already has a ton of classic games released for it.
Revolution: Hand controlled, no sight
Super Scope 6: It’s called the Super Scope 6 for a reason!!!
Winner: Super Scope 6. It had that Super Scope, and that scope was very super! It was deadly accurate, and Nintendo had the foresight to allow the scope to be configured for both lefties and righties! The Revolution controller’s designer clearly had in mind the oppressive right handed conspiracy to keep us lefties down! Have you ever written in a notebook with your left hand? The rings are on the wrong side! Have you used a pen with your left hand? Your hand smears across the stuff you just wrote! Have you ever used a left handed scissors? THEY NEVER WORK! You’d think it’d be easy to design a scissors that would be operable with the left hand, and it is - it’s just the conspiracy will only allow crappy left handed scissors to be released. But I digress.
Super Scope 6 wins! Although it’s clearly better than the Revolution controller, hopefully the Revolution will address its fatal design flaws - namely it took a whopping 6 AA batteries and if you left it on by accident (which I did without fail), it would drain the batteries even when it wasn’t being operated. But hopefully, Nintendo will port all the classic Super Scope 6 games to Revolution, so I can play them because I have two Super Scope 6's and neither of them work... I should have made that a category, oh well. Too late! Super Scope 6 has already won!
Revolution: A glorified TV remote
Super Scope 6: A super awesome bazooka cannon
Winner: I’m going to go with the super awesome bazooka cannon aka Super Scope 6. It looks pretty darn cool. I remember they had an ad back when it was new where people would march around like soldiers carrying them. To this day, I’ve wanted to go to combat carrying my Super Scope 6.
Revolution: two
Super Scope 6: one
Winner: Super Scope 6! It can get the job done with half the pesky sensing equipment! It must be superior technology! I think the real question is, do you have to calibrate the Revolution controller like you did the Super Scope 6? Only time will tell....
Game Support
Revolution: Unknown. Probably not many games if they release a standard controller add on for the Revolution like they announced.
Super Scope 6: Not many.
Winner: I’m going to have to go with the Super Scope 6 here because it already has a ton of classic games released for it.
Revolution: Hand controlled, no sight
Super Scope 6: It’s called the Super Scope 6 for a reason!!!
Winner: Super Scope 6. It had that Super Scope, and that scope was very super! It was deadly accurate, and Nintendo had the foresight to allow the scope to be configured for both lefties and righties! The Revolution controller’s designer clearly had in mind the oppressive right handed conspiracy to keep us lefties down! Have you ever written in a notebook with your left hand? The rings are on the wrong side! Have you used a pen with your left hand? Your hand smears across the stuff you just wrote! Have you ever used a left handed scissors? THEY NEVER WORK! You’d think it’d be easy to design a scissors that would be operable with the left hand, and it is - it’s just the conspiracy will only allow crappy left handed scissors to be released. But I digress.
Super Scope 6 wins! Although it’s clearly better than the Revolution controller, hopefully the Revolution will address its fatal design flaws - namely it took a whopping 6 AA batteries and if you left it on by accident (which I did without fail), it would drain the batteries even when it wasn’t being operated. But hopefully, Nintendo will port all the classic Super Scope 6 games to Revolution, so I can play them because I have two Super Scope 6's and neither of them work... I should have made that a category, oh well. Too late! Super Scope 6 has already won!
dont know what ur smoking - revolution controller (even at this basic stage) totally 0wns Super Scope 6....
Anonymous: I don't smoke because I have terrible asthma. I'm not sure how it "owns" the Super Scope 6 at this stage. Considering the Revolution controller is an inanimate object, I'm pretty sure it can't own property. Even if it could, it probably couldn't afford the upkeep of the Super Scope 6 because it drains batteries like crazy. Maybe if the Revolution controller took up a second job at a zoo feeding penguins it could afford to own a Super Scope 6, but I don't think it has a social security card, so the zoo would have to hire it under the table. That being said, since there are NO real games made with the Revolution controller, neither of us can say what it's going to be like, but I can say for sure that if I ran a zoo, I wouldn't hire it to feed my penguins. I hope this clears up your confusion about the two controllers. Thanks for playing!
I'm sorry but this is a joke. To compare hardware from 15 years ago with new hardware that doesn't have any games to show off its true potenial is completely idiotic.
Hubbs: I think the fact that Revolution doesn't have any games to show off it's true potential is the problem! How do we know it has potential until we've seen it shown off? It could be like many other systems that have "potential", but developers don't utilize it like the Virtual Boy. They never made any Virtual Boy games where the 3D was actually part of the game and not just a gimmick.
The BIG G said...
Hubbs: I think the fact that Revolution doesn't have any games to show off it's true potential is the problem! How do we know it has potential until we've seen it shown off? It could be like many other systems that have "potential", but developers don't utilize it like the Virtual Boy. They never made any Virtual Boy games where the 3D was actually part of the game and not just a gimmick.
Be a smart person and just SHUT UP. Follow your own advice and don't judge Revolution's potential until you've actually tested, cause you comparing the Revolution with technology years old... is PATHETIC!!! HAHAHA! YOU ARE A FREAKING LOSER!
martlur: If you think I'm a big loser, then why do you waste your time reading my blog and commenting? I think if it were true that I am a loser (which I'm not, but just for the sake of argument, let's assume that is the case), then that would make you a much bigger loser for spending your time commenting to my posts. I think it's because deep in your subconscious, you know I'm right. You know that I have the wisdom that can only be acquired with years of game industry experience.
"You know that I have the wisdom that can only be acquired with years of game industry experience."
I'm perplexed. By what do you mean experience? Have you traveled to E3? Talked to members of the industry? Either Journalists and/or Developers? I really want to know what expereince you have.
Hubbs: Consumers like you pay my salary because I make games for a living. I get up, go to work, make video games, come home and play video games. I've shipped several titles for PS2, Xbox, GameCube, PC and Mac. Yes, since I'm in the industry, I go to E3. Since I'm in the industry, most of my friends are in the industry too, so I'm really giving you the inside scope from the industry.
Anonymous I'm a lot older than you. How can I tell? Because I've learned how to use the gifts of punctuation and capitalization. I can think outside of the box and make a controller that you control with your tongue, but that doesn't necessarily make it good.
What company do you work for? I'm rather interested. Oh and I invite to read my blog sometime. Maybe you can become one of my contacts if I need insight.
ps. Can ya get rid of those otehr empty comments for me? Thanks.
You see, I bother to waste my time commenting on your blog... because I clearly want to inject some reality to the deeply flawed and moronic things you write. In other words, I'm trying to debunk your so called claims of being an "insider", and reveal you as what you are... a punk who has crap for brains who lacks the capacity to recognize something that can just prove to be cutting-edge. In other words, I'm calling you a chump and a simple Nintendo-basher. Proof to this is that if you really were a videogame Insider, you'd also be able to appraise the Revolution's controller just as the majority of people that are REALLY inside the industry of gaming. Instead, you create completely absurd arguments with no weigh to hack at Nintendo's Revolution. Shame on me for wasting my time in here, I'll see I don't have another repeat. Goodbye.
By the way, my subconscious is fine thank you and ironically more lucid and attach to reality than your whole self.
martlur: I'm actually in the video game industry, so I think you should trust my judgement on what I say people inside the industry think. Now that you won't post on my blog, you poorly thought out feedback will be missed!
Hubbs: I'd prefer to keep the company I work for a secret for the time being because I say candid remarks about all sorts of companies in my blog, and I'd rather not have it adversely affect my career. I might be interested in helping out with your blog though. Shoot me a personal e-mail (, and we'll talk. (e-mail?)
I know you're afraid of actually debating me directly now, and you're hiding behind that "you just don't know what you're talking about" excuse, so this isn't for you G.
This is for everyone else to see. Solid proof vs your opinion.
The following is a video taken of a Nintendo rep trying out a prototype Revolution controler. He's got it hooked up to his computer, and he's playing Half-Life 2 deathmatch against other people that are using a keyboard/mouse setup.
Because it's a prototype, he can't fine tune the sensitivity, so he gets killed a bit in the game. The controler itself also looks a bit bulkier than the promised finished product.
Also, for the one that stupidly said the Nintendo Revolution had a controler setup that was strictly "right handers only" look at the guy's hands. He's holding the wand in his left.
Sorry I had to sectionalize it like this, blogger crops it otherwise and the link doesn't work. I'd HL it, but I don't quite remember how, and I can't edit if I mess up, so you'll have to go with that.
Just so the main point of the previous post is not lost, I'll state it down here.
Plug in a Super Scope 6 to your computer, then try and deathmatch someone. You have a choice. Do you use the scope to control your legs and run around not being able to shoot, or do you stand in place and shoot at whoever runs directly infront of you?
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